All children should wear clothing that is in keeping with a purpose and an aspirational learning environment. We want children at Stradbroke Primary Academy to take immense pride in their dress, behaviour and learning.
This is based on the belief that Stradbroke Primary Academy school uniform:
- Promotes a sense of pride in our academy.
- Creates a strong sense and feeling of belonging.
- Is distinctive, but part of the wider Inspiration Trust federation.
- Identifies children within our academy.
- Reflects our core values and incredibly high expectations.
- Enables children to feel and live as valuable citizens.
- Helps prepare children for secondary school and beyond.
Uniform supplier
You can order your uniform from our supplier, Harrisons Schoolwear. Their shop is based at 86 High Street, Gorleston, or call 01493 662214.
Autumn and Spring Term
- Navy V-necked jumper with Stradbroke Primary Academy logo OR Navy cardigan. with Stradbroke Primary Academy logo.
- Charcoal grey skirt or trousers.
- A white collared buttoned shirt (long- or short-sleeved)
- Stradbroke tie
- Charcoal grey tights or white/grey socks (no leggings)
- Plain white/dark socks
- Black shoes (no sandals or boots)
Summer Term
- Navy V-necked jumper with Stradbroke Primary Academy logo
- Charcoal-grey skirt (below the knee)
- Charcoal-grey trousers
- Optional charcoal-grey shorts (not cargo shorts)
- A white collared buttoned shirt (long- or short-sleeved)
- Optional navy-blue checked gingham dress and navy-blue cardigan
- Stradbroke tie (if wearing a white shirt)
- White ankle or knee socks
- Plain dark socks
- Black shoes (no sandals or boots)
Reception, year 1 and year 2 children are not expected to wear a tie and can wear a white buttoned polo shirt. Year 5 and 6 pupils are required to wear the Navy Blazer with the Stradbroke Primary Academy logo.
Summer Term uniform can be worn until October half term (weather permitting)
PE kit
- White T-shirt
- Navy PE shorts
- Tracksuit or sweatshirt and jogging bottoms in school colours
- Trainers or plimsolls
Other items
We do not allow pupils to wear jewellery other than small studs and a watch. Make-up and nail polish are not permitted at Stradbroke Primary Academy. We also require all parents to ensure their children are warm throughout the winter months, ensuring they have adequate coats, gloves, and hats where necessary.
Procedures for non-compliance
We want to support parents and pupils with the uniform. To remove an absence of doubt, if a pupil attends Stradbroke Primary Academy with incorrect uniform, we have the following procedures:
- A verbal warning will be given to the pupil and they will be asked to remove the item (if jewellery or make-up). If the incorrect uniform (e.g. trousers, shirt, shoes) is evident, then a verbal warning will also be issued and parents immediately notified of the warning.
- If a second incident occurs of incorrect uniform or appearance, the school will inform parents immediately and the pupil will be asked to go home to rectify the issue. Page 7 of the Department for Education guidance states that teachers can discipline pupils for breaching the school’s rules on appearance or uniform. The guidance also states that a headteacher may ask a pupil to go home to rectify the breach of school rules or appearance in uniform. As the DfE guidance states, this ‘sending home to rectify’ will initially constitute an authorised absence. Stradbroke Primary Academy will grant this for a maximum of two days, but further breaches will result in unauthorised absence.
- Further breaches in uniform or appearance will result in sanctions in line with Stradbroke Primary Academy behaviour policy as these will constitute not following school rules.